Chilton Academy & Nursery

Chilton Academy & Nursery

Where Everyone C.A.N

Welcome to the Chilton Academy website.

County Durham
DL17 0PT

01388 720255/721619

Record of Governor Attendance

Record of Governor Attendance


Schools are required to display Governor attendance at meetings for each academic school year on their school website. Here is an archived list of attendance.

✓ – Attended meeting
A/A – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N – Did not attend
X – Not a member of the committee

Record of Governor Attendance 2021-2022

Record of Governor Attendance 2020-2021

Record of Governor Attendance 2019-2020

Record of Governor Attendance 2018-2019

Record of Governor Attendance 2017-2018

Record of Governor Attendance 2016-2017

Record of Governor Attendance 2015-2016

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