Public bodies, including local-authority-maintained schools, are covered by the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010.
As part of our duties we publish:
- an Equalities Information profile of our school based upon the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 – this is updated and published every year
- our school’s Equality Objectives – these are reviewed annually and updated at least once every 4 years
- Equality Policy Statement 2024-25
- You can also view or download our Equalities Policy and Equalities Information and Objectives Policy in the School Policies section of our website.
Equalities & Diversity
In line with the requirement of the Equality Act 2012, our school has identified key objectives designed to ensure equality for all stakeholders:-
- Ensure all Government floor targets for end of KS2 continue to be exceeded in terms of both Progress and Attainment.
- Ensure any underperforming groups/individuals are identified through on-going assessment and school action plans updated accordingly.
- Achieve Rights Respecting Schools Award Level 1/2, Inclusion Quality Mark and Investing in Children Award.
- Promote the values of the Local Chilton Community Cohesion Group.
- Forge links with National and International Partner Schools